Peace In?

How difficult can it really be to live peacefully, peaceably amongst each other? What is it that causes so much suffering in the human realm? Our attachments to the thoughts and things we do not have and even the people we “love”, when ironically love is actually non-attachment in the awareness that everything is “one” and we are all connected. We can never truly possess anything. To be human is to suffer according to the wise revelations of Gautam Buddha but does this mean that we are all doomed to suffer as individuals or as a species in an endless cycle of birth and rebirth? No. A very simple and clear message has been written, spoken and practiced by many accomplished and great humans throughout the span of human existence. It is not a battle between good and evil. The battle is between a man and his ego. We do not need a great messiah to tell us that our attachment to things causes suffering. We know this intellectually. But in order for us to overcome this reality as a species and as individuals we must practice. The art of balancing the ego must be an experiential part of our lives in thought, speech, actions and in all concentrations. This practice and wisdom that still exists is Asian cultures and other indigenous groups around the globe has been methodically undermined and in most cases eliminated by those who are the most afraid to let go.

The ancient wise teachers of the past used color, sound, light, parables and some really good drugs to express in terms humans can more easily understand, the multi- dimensional realities and complex physics of creation. The Tibetans for example, have maintained a rich and colorful historic record of this ancient wisdom and knowledge expressed in the form of mandalas, thankas, scriptures and statues. The Tibetans successfully established a balanced, natural way of living in peace and in good health as a community. Buddhism and earlier versions of the life practices were not religious in the sense that all power and control over the self surrendered or attributed to an outside force. They hold the secrets of free energy technologies from a purer time when humans were more in tune with the workings of nature and the secrets to self-empowerment through compassion and contentment, a huge threat to anyone whose purpose is to dominate and rule over others. This is why their people have been persecuted, tortured and murdered and their rich cultural heritage, if not twisted and demonized, almost completely erased.

The way to deceive is though reversion and disguise, secrets and lies. The greatest deception of humanity has been seeded and nurtured consciously through organized bloodlines and soul families that have grown into an entity of what we would call “evil”. It is important to keep in mind that good and evil are relative but for context’s sake we humans describe the intentional infliction of pain and suffering on another as evil. We have read bits and pieces of the revelations, the truths revealed in the ancient scriptures that vaguely outline the cyclic polarizing of cosmic and microcosmic consciousness, eternal fractals of the image of the creator. Through astronomy and mathematics the secrets of the universe unfold but these truths have been obscured and/or erased by whom? By those who want power. What we have been left with are so many cryptic writings and metaphors that the average person can be easily confused and frustrated. The mixed messages and confusion in the language of politics and religion is often intentional. If we understand that the underlying cause of this chaos originates with the deceptions of those who wish to have power over others, we can begin to lift a fog that has blinded human beings for so long and entrapped our souls in this unnatural condition. Any belief system that places one power above all is unstable because it directly contradicts the nature of the universe. The universe finds equilibrium in everything. Every where we look we can see the golden mean from sea shells to galaxies. And everywhere there is imbalance there is a man with a plan, a god with a rod from the pyramids to the dollar bill. The symbolism is everywhere. Those who create fear and chaos will gloat and revel in their symbolisms and secrets. They know that their victims have become so subservient and brainwashed that nothing can be done to stop them. So they weave a web of lies through symbols, rituals and belief systems that are so tightly entwined that no one can tell truth from lies. But we can always tell “good” from “evil”.

The “us” against “them” mind game tricks people into believing there are two sides, the goodies and the baddies. My side is always the good side of course. As long as people are taking sides they fail to see that the true villain is the ring master. As parents we use this trick to get our children to do what we want them to. Offer a child a choice of broccoli or carrots. You have just given them the illusion of power. They choose the carrots over the broccoli but you have just gotten them to eat a vegetable. Either way you get what you want. This is a harmless version of manipulation but an example of how others manipulate to their own benefit. On a grand scale we little children have been manipulated with every type of distraction from football teams to political parties. It’s the elephants against the asses, when we all know that they are all asses.

If any given religion is truly an organization established to provide comfort and bring people together in the name of peace, there would be no denominations, churches, no wars in the name of god, no hierarchy, no priests and no rituals and no need for funding. All that would be required would be that a human being come forward to ask for help and that a group of human beings helped with compassionate words and actions. Jesus and Buddha did not promote their religious backgrounds. Buddha was not “a Hindu” and Jesus was not an orthodox “Jew”. In fact Jesus was a Gnostic. The Gnostics believed that the Father (masculine) was the Spirit and the Mother (feminine) was the soul. Sophia was the awareness of being and the trinity was the Holy union of the soul spirit and Holy Ghost. In this there is heaven on earth. Earth is a hell created by those who have lost their way and continue to turn away from the light at death. This is not superstition nor is it religion. This is the secret knowledge that is the Holy Grail; the Arch of the Covenant; the physics of the universe.

Anything that requires giving away your power is a deception and a lie. Any person who claims to have power over all things is a liar and a fraud. We all have free will. There is no god that possesses power over you accept “you” the god. In the Spirit there is no sex, no craving, no jealousy, no hunger, no fear and no hate. Be one with the Spirit and your soul will be free.


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