Da Vinci Code: And the Right to Make Assertions

How is it possible the Da Vinci Code has become so scrutinized and provoked so much anger? This book is fiction. Therefore there are no grounds for defending or attacking its assertions in any way. It would be like trying to ban Star Wars for the assertion that a long, long time ago Earth was in danger of being destroyed by Darth Vadar.

For the sake of debate, however, we can delve into the assertions in question. It stands to reason that one of the causes of offense must have to do with the suggestion that Jesus was married. Jesus was a rabbi. Mary Magdalene referred to him as Rabboni. Rabonni is a term of endearment that is only used by Mary if she held a close and personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus as a Rabbi would have been expected to marry. The assertions are reasonable and in no way offensive if one understands that Jesus being human and participating in sacred sex in no way diminishes his purity of heart, or his divinity as in, one with the creator. Jesus himself said that we are one with the father and that the Kingdom was within. He said he was the son of man. This is what makes him able to reach us and give us hope. The Roman Catholic Church does not agree with this because it empowers people to achieve independence from the Church and state. This is exactly what Jesus was trying to achieve for us.

Another assertion by Dan Browns fictitious novel was that there is a secret society that has been in existence, since the beginning of Christianity at least, that are the keepers of hidden knowledge. It would take many, many novels to cover this subject alone, as there is so much information and evidence supporting this fact. But is the Holy Grail the secret of the bloodline of Christ? If it were it would only be because they were plotting to bring this person into power as the Christ to rule in the end times in an attempt to fool the masses into thinking that this is the return of Christ; another power play. This is possible and even probably given the scriptures and the trail of bloodshed, wars and abominations that these powers that be have left over the past 2000 years. If this were presented as fact, which it is not, it would only bring awareness millions that the Anti-Christ is the one they will call the descendent of Christ for we all know that true ascension cannot be achieved via earthly rulers. Why do you think the church was so peeved about it?
Despite all of the implications that one may not believe or find offensive it all comes down to this. The Da Vince code is fascinating and thought provoking. It reveals bits of information about Sacred Geometry, Numerology and historic facts that are intriguing to say the very least. For all we know it could all be factual and accurate but Brown is not telling people to believe it or else. How could it possibly threaten someone who stands firmly behind their own beliefs, unless of course they are trying to force those beliefs on others?


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