When Two Become One~Sex, Lies and Gnosticism

"When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]."

This verse is from the Gnostic scriptures that were "conveniently" left out of the bible. Thomas actually knew Jesus unlike the authors of the other gospels. Mary also had a Gospel. There are intimate conversations with Jesus in these texts that discuss the nature of the universe and the human body. It is metaphoric of course but when you understand the context which is metaphysics/quantum physics based you begin to see a very clear picture of what Jesus actually knew and what he was trying to explain to future generations to assist us in the ascension process.

Making the two one is a reference to the merging of the male and female energies. This explains Jesus's remarks when asked by the Apostles "Let Mary leave us for women are not worthy of life".

Jesus responds, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

Taken out of context this might seem a bit of an odd statement unless Jesus was a skilled surgeon ready to perform a sex change operation. But in the context of energies of the human body, the pituitary and pineal gland is the key to emotional balance. The pineal gland secretes melatonin activating the pituitary gland which regulates the body’s entire glandular system. Melatonin activates adrenaline which reduces the fear response. If the pineal gland is dormant the mind and body is out of balance there is no way to regulate the fear response. This is a very clear explanation for the spiritual concept that duality or perceiving one’s self as separate is the cause of fear and suffering. When we attach to thoughts and emotions caused by our fears the body becomes toxic. Toxicity leads to mental and physical disease. The key point here is that the individual can be in control of their own mental and physical health through awareness, focus and discipline aka meditation and exercise. There is a word for this discipline and it is “yoga”.

Jesus’s original meaning behind “two must become one. . . to enter the kingdom” was used by the “editors” of the bible to support the material aspect, as in marriage and to condemn homosexuality. Most of Jesus's spiritual teachings are converted to a material or worldly context to control the masses and keep them powerless. Homosexuality has as little or as much to do with our spiritual evolution as heterosexuality. Sex is just how we attempt to duplicate the BLISS that we know we should be feeling all the time. It is the bliss of oneness that is achieved through this union of male and female energies, not necessarily by crawling into or onto another person physically to try to attach to them as fun as it may be. Sex is just the physical representation of this longing to be complete. Knowing we are one, balancing our energies and not defining love as sex will catapult us to the next octave.

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