This Luciferian Universe

I am not religious but I do understand the scriptures in the context of PHYSICS and quote them. Discernment is recognizing that a message can contain both accurate and inaccurate statements and that truth is relative according to the observer. What I look out for in channeled messages are statements such as:

"We are in control of Earth but not in the sense of having taken it over, but being aware of everything that is happening. We do keep the balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to operate. . ."~ (a channeled message from Salusa)

Anyone who says they control earth, keep the balance and "allow" a certain degree of free will is delusional. Being aware of all that is happening on earth is one thing but controlling earth is something only fallen beings would want to do. Earth is a being in her own right. She doesn't need to be controlled unless it is strictly to keep humans on her and under control. Dense beings need Earth, planets, ships but Earth doesn't NEED us. 3rd density experience is being managed by beings who have mastered Merkaba and technologies but have not yet released their need to control. It is like loving your child and refusing to let them live their own lives and suffer their own consequences regardless of what those consequences are.

Humans shed their dense bodies every minute and move to their light body. It is an ongoing process we see often as death. Ask yourself what do these beings need to manage? Why do souls need physical bodies and planets to begin with? Souls have been enticed and even deceived into returning over and over even when we were ready to leave. Pan, Lucifer, Mara. . .are personifications of the seducer of the Material Realm. If we could actually conceive what lies beyond this realm (the Solar Mind) we would want to leave immediately and NEVER return. But we forgot how to take our memories with us at death of the body and ascend out of this realm. Enlightenment shows us the path to liberation from the material world. To be in the world and not of it is to observe and NOT participate or control anything or anyone other than self. This requires mastering mind and compassion.

Self Service is only "bad" in the polar sense and context of 3D behaviors and actions that create suffering for others. REMEMBER that ascension and descending are just words to describe how consciousness moves through the densities based on ego’s addictions to matter & ability to release them.

True ascended masters would NOT control others at all. They could reincarnate if they wished to assist others, fully aware and free of the influences of Mara (or Satan) as Jesus and the Buddha did. But would they take a position of power if they did? Would they need a space ship to physically be hovering in the skies to watch this planet? Would they not be in their Merkaba (ethereal bodies)? If they did incarnate wouldn't the true Spirit of Nature (Christ/Buddha) reincarnate as the humblest of human beings that seek to teach releasing attachment to material things. Would Christed Beings waste our moments with material issues of abundance, wealth, politics etc knowing that the earth is ascending and we are all leaving our bodies? Only lower density beings need technologies and ships to monitor this 3D existence. Even now humans have the technology to monitor planets without BEING there in a space ship. Zoom out and see the big picture here. Beings that seek to control and meddle in finances and social structures are promoting 3D structures and not ascension. They are all lower density and NOT Christed beings. If that is what you are also focused on there is no judgment. BUT realize you are choosing to remain in hungry ghost or 3D realm, have not ascended to the Christ consciousness which is SELF EMPOWERMENT and compassion.

We must get it through our material heads that only 3D beings need a planet and food and water to sustain them. 4D is ghostly realm where you just think you need those things. That is purgatory/hungry ghost realm. This is why some ghosts seem happy and others seem angry or don't even know they are dead. The second death is releasing from the ghostly realm and earthly existence. It is only when you have mastered Merkaba light body that you are completely conscious of the fact that you surpassed material realm attachment.

"Your individual freewill allows for you to choose whether or not you go on to Ascension, but remember that most of you made that decision before you came to Earth.”

If we consciously chose ascension to higher realms of our own free will we would NOT have come to earth at all!

“Events can be foreseen way ahead, so it easy enough to place you where it is of the most benefit".

Of the most benefit for whom? If you don’t mind being a pawn as they clearly say you are, then that is your choice.

"Life seems complicated but in reality it is quite simple, as you will always find yourself to be in the right place.. ."

Does being in an earthquake feel like the right place to be? Right and wrong are subjective. We just find ourselves in situations based on our actions dictated by subconscious and conscious thoughts. Some are fear based and others are not. There are consequences do to actions of others and our own . THAT is as simple as it gets.

". . .In your case decisions often have to (be)made for you by your mentors. It depends on how spiritually advanced you have become. After all the purpose of living many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual evolution. It is the only way to advance and leave the cycle of re-birth behind."

Birth and rebirth is the RESULT of ATTACHMENT to the material world. We ascend out of it when we release attachment through conscious intention. Spirit is just energy remember. Consciousness "fall"s due to attaching to the material realm. Beings forget what it is like outside of this illusion. We become intoxicated by controlling others and sensuality. We may or may not see that everything material is a reversed reflection of true reality but we can choose attachment or release. Lucifer represents the embodiment of all beings of light (knowledge) and spirit (energy) that support the illusion of separation and reversal of nature called the material realm. Don’t you think that Lucifer is far cunning enough to distract souls from the true deception? It isn't about the elite keeping plasma screen technologies from us. The deception is that humans are powerless pawns and cannot escape duality without a god to save us. Wrong. We can. Obviously if you believe in Lucifer then you have to believe that a highly conscious being does not need a material body. We also are able to become masters of our own universe. In the Luciferian universe and that is where we live (in the material universe), there is a passion for mastering the labyrinth. There is nothing “wrong” with creating material worlds but spirit is eternal, matter is not. Matter is based on the finite Fibonacci Sequence and consciousness is based on the golden mean spiral (eternal life). As a creator we can create a universe of infinite creation (spirit) or material deception as well. It is up to us.

We can leave this mind construct at any time we desire when we release attachment to the lower densities. This is a mind consciousness construct. It is a game. If you believe Jesus and Siddartha the Buddha were actual men, both explained this and demonstrated how to leave the system by releasing attachment to the material realm in life or at death of the body. Whether or not they achieved ascension into a light body at death is irrelevant. The point is that being able to steer your consciousness allows you to navigate out of the cycle of birth and rebirth into any experience. The Gnostic scriptures describe this:

“(Descending) matter gave birth to a passion (for sensation) that has no equal (because it is insatiable), which proceeded from something contrary to nature (because fornication is against nature; furthermore, nature always seeks balance, while desire wants saturation). Then there arises a disturbance in its whole body (of matter, because all disequilibrium must be accounted for).”

"I was not recognized (that is, I did not recognize my true self-nature, thus I committed mistakes and created karma). But I have recognized that the ALL is being dissolved, both the earthly things and the heavenly.” ~Gospel of Mary~ Notice there is no judgment.

Kundalini charge will activate the Merkaba or spirit body. Sex is the reverse path of liberation because it promotes material existence based on the Fibonacci Sequence which is NOT infinite (eternal life). The church takes a small truth such as (fornication is against golden mean nature) and turns it into (fornication is ok if you are married but a sin if you are not). This is a fool proof way to keep people, supporting duality (male and female marriage) and feeling guilty for not having children. This is also why birth control was not accepted by the Catholic Church. It is all about perpetuating the gross body and the material realm. There is nothing wrong with the material realm, sex, reproduction or any of these things. They are just impermanent and victimizing. That’s all. If the church was really concerned with teaching the natural path of the creator and self empowerment they would be teaching children how to be in bliss through kundalini, compassion and creative expression rather than fear and guilt and oppression. This bliss is what we seek when we are having sex, taking drugs, alcohol, dancing, music, etc. (Things the church will tell you are evil just to make you feel guilty for enjoying them). Guilt is not necessary. But these are all just distractions from the real bliss that you will experience as a master of self in Samadhi, the bliss of transcending the mind.

The "anti christ" is any behavior or being or state of being that does not follow the Golden Ratio Path of spirit bliss. Don’t see it as right or wrong. It just is what it is.

“Those who seek (within) will find (within).“Beware that no one lead you astray saying, ‘Lo here’ or ‘lo there!’ For the Son of Man (your Inner Christ) is within you.” Gospel of Mary


  1. Hi Cari,

    I first came across your material a couple of months ago at LIGHTWORKERS (LW). I can relate to most of what you say. I will ask a few questions and make some comments about this post, "This Luciferian Universe".

    "We are in control of Earth..."(a channeled message from Salusa). Cari we both posted similar warnings to readers at LW regarding the EXACT same post. I think we were both called to help others discern the deception of messages that:
    > feed the EGO (say what we WANT to hear)
    > contain SOME but NOT all truth
    > contain SOME deceptive, false information "under the radar screen" to be ACCEPTED as truth
    > DISTRACT the reader from looking within to believing we MUST accept outside help in order to ascend the 3D/4D realm

    Consider if Salusa is a Christed Being:
    - Christed Beings do not control the earth. Satan/Lucifer/Non-Christed Beings control the earth. Christed Beings would not lie so this does not make sense.

    Consider if Salusa is NOT a Christed Being:
    - Then Salusa is telling the truth that he is one of the demonic controllers that has been in power for eons. The theme and point of his message(s) is for humans to ASK him and others to allow them to continue to control in a different way.

    Conclusion - Salusa was careless and admitted he is of the darkness disguised as the light. See 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NIV, "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness..."

    You say, "True ascended masters would NOT control others at all". Isn't it interesting that Siddartha/Buddha and Jesus/Christ both avoided power and control during their lives on the Earth? The Buddha left his life of royalty to find the truth. The Jews were anticipating the Messiah to be a royal king in this world in 3D. Jesus was quoted in the Bible as saying in John 18:36 NIV, "Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."" Isn't it possible that this other place is beyond the 3D/4D realm?

    You say, "Birth and rebirth is the RESULT of ATTACHMENT to the material world. We ascend out of it when we release attachment through conscious intention. Spirit is just energy remember. Consciousness "fall"s due to attaching to the material realm. Jesus said in Mark 10:21 NIV, "Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

    I chose to use biblical versus so this discussion would reach a wider audience. Thanks once again Cari for your perspective.

    Shawn Delaney


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