The War is Over When I Say It Is

There are stories of soldiers in Japan and other areas that were left to fight in remote areas and never were told or never believed that the war had ended. They ignored flyers believing it to be American Propaganda and managed to survive for many years after the war had ended, upholding their oath to serve their country or die.

It occurred to me that these men lived their lives fighting for something that didn’t exist, an unseen enemy and the end to a war that was already over. It seems that we are doing much the same thing in this new age of global awareness still fighting a war against an unseen oppressor. From the Communists to Terrorists to the Bankers to Extraterrestrials we are forever fighting for peace. We see peace as this situation and this place that we must reach. We say that when the bad guys are gone and when we have the technologies we need to be comfortable then we will have peace! All the while we are creating a world of chaos and destruction by “fighting for peace”. There is no enemy. There is no savior. There is no war to be fought and “nothing to kill or die for”. Imagine that. Does that frighten you? Is it scary to suddenly have to just be what you are and experience what is? There is so much talk revolving around the Shift of the New Age with a focus mostly on Disaster, Disclosure of secret information and ET presence, creating abundance through a new financial system. It is all more of the same bullshit that humans have created and dealt with from day one. It is all designed to keep you distracted and in fear. The Shift of the New Age is not about Santa (Satan), Sananda, Ashtar, bringing us presents, technologies, space ship rides or heaven on earth etc. It is about waking up to the FACT that every single bit of what we call reality is in our mind. It doesn’t matter how “dense” we are or how “light” we are, it’s all mind and energy and none of it is actually real. It is all a dream. And the goal is to get the leading part in your own lucid dream.

I am not saying that we as material beings presently should not think about ways to live a better life or be open to the higher dimensional ways of being in the world. I know that ending corruption and being open and respectful to all forms of life is a great goal to have for 3rd density being. What I am saying is that this will only happen from the inside out. It is a shift of consciousness that brings peace and not the perfect set of circumstances. Being joyous and looking for things and situations to make us joyous are two different things. When we experience joy we must realize that it is an emotion just like anger and hate. They are energies we release when we are overwhelmed (imbalanced) by our situation or the way we interpret that situation. We believe that the state of the world is responsible for our state of mind when paradoxically we are creating our world with our state of mind. Love and Bliss is that steadfast contentedness regardless of what is going on in the world around us. Looking for these things that you think will finally make you happy only creates situations that create imbalance, chaos and unrest in the world. The energy of longing creates a world of lack. The energy of contentment creates a world of abundance. Find joy in what is and what may be but don’t look to those imagined realities as your salvation. Feel joyous and let it go. Feel anger and let it go. That calm assertive energy called peace does not hinder your creativity. It only opens you up to more possibilities because you are not limiting your creations to only those things that make you feel safer, more loved, more liked or more understood etc.

Those soldiers could have been living on a beautiful island in a happy state of mind all the while but they spent all of those years in turmoil wondering when the next bomb was going to drop or when they would be ambushed. We don’t have to go through life waiting for the war to be over. The war is over when you say it is. Heaven is in your mind and heart and nowhere else. When the mind is still there is no pain and suffering. It is not easy to master the mind but it can be done. Pain is subjective according to how the mind perceives loss or imbalance. People that have lost limbs in shark attacks report not feeling any pain until later. Could it be this is because they can’t see what is happening underwater so the brain doesn’t register the loss? Sure we have a right to be screaming in agony and suffering mental trauma when we lose a limb but do we want to if we can choose otherwise? There is a young female surfer that lost her arm to a shark attack. She was very matter of fact about it in interviews, never complained and seemed to not have any devastating mental trauma from the event. In fact, when she healed she just got back on the board and kept on surfing. If every being knew how to access the equability of harmonic bliss there would be no such thing as pain or hell. But the mind desperately wants to lapse back into “but this happened or they said this”. What is going on around you doesn’t have to affect you mentally unless you want it to. Paradise is right here, right now. But until then (until it is realized), one man’s tropical island vacation is another man’s hell.

“If hell is on earth
There must be heaven to
Both in one place
And not a second to lose”
~Neil Finn


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