The Difference Between True Heaven and the "New Earth"/"New Word Order"
The goal of the "ANTI CHRIST" or Control Addicts is to make humans believe that HEAVEN ON EARTH is this perfect 3D world even though they call it 5D where technologies provide us with everything we need. We will HAVE food, clothes, things and never be in need again. I don't care if it is 3D or 5D it is not the same as true heavenly existence where there are no clothes or food because you are pure energy. The trick of wording is "you will need nothing in heaven". That is true but in their twisted context that is because THEY provide you with all you need. A truly sovereign being needs nothing because they are pure energy. I want to be perfectly clear because people just don't seem to get this. It was said that the Anti Christ would come first and then the true kingdom of CHRIST meaning the kingdom within not the external Disney Land that everyone dreams of. Being a Christed being is to be a sovereign creator that KNOWS all creations are illusions and does not depend on any outside source for its existence. This why the author of Revelations seems to have this pretty scary aversion to material things. It isn't because material things are bad or evil. It is because they are a tool to keep people enslaved to the illusion. Control freaks are not using technology and peace and love to reel in the ignorant so they are part of this mind consciousness system in the matrix that THEY control. To give power to the beast is to give into your lower glandular system/chakras that are ruled by fear of loss/not having/death. The dragon (Serpent energy/EGO) gives power to the beast. When we worship idols/corporation/military/football team/self/Jesus/Justin Beber we are empowering the lower ego. Jesus and Buddha did not want your worship as men. They wanted us to respect the CHRISTED BEINGNESS of all Souls. That means the non discriminating life force that pervades all living things. NOT THE IDENTITY of ANY INDIVIDUAL including them. "When you see the Buddha, kill the Buddha" means do not attach to that which is not real. Nothing is real but your perspective of reality.
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