The Center of the World's Carousel

I am a co creator in the world encouraging my other selves to dream more sweetly, as the world is a reflection of the dreamer. But I feel for those whose joy and contentment is reliant upon a New Earth or certain events to unfold. I experience pain just like everyone else but I know that there is nothing that will ease the pain of being human other than my ability to move my consciousness beyond the pain that arises from attachment to the self. When we are able to do this in human form at this density of consciousness as multidimensional masters of consciousness so to speak, then we will know heaven in the world if that is the goal of this mass consciousness. I am in bliss more often than not but remain true to that discipline for mastery before my body dissolves as all things do eventually. I do not wish to wait until some god or cosmic unfolding transforms the flesh or pretend the material world coddling me will ease the pain of mental attachment. I am liberated now in this moment where there is only one eternal moment at the center of world's carousel. I wish this for everyone.

Peace and love to all~


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