The Window

I have been able to see visions while fully awake for several years now. I have been doing experiments to better understand what is happening and what these visions are all about. The third eye is basically your inner screen. The pineal gland projects images onto your eyelids constantly but we have to be in a very relaxed state to see them. The pineal is referred to as the seat of the soul because this is where all of the information that makes up what we think we are and our personality is projected onto our inner screen. Studying Dan Winter and Stan Tennen’s theories and recent quantum physics observations led me to realize that the soul is constructed like an atom. It is a spinning vortex that generates an EM field which stores information just like a cd or film. The pineal gland it the projector producing holographic images that are stored by the soul. The following article explains what the soul is according to the teachings of Jesus and why we need to be able to master the soul/mind construct to return home. I can attest to what is being said here because I see realities playing out while awake that I cannot control but I am also able to pretend and create realities that are not preprogrammed. I am able to fly over a landscape and see trees and forests, castles, horses and cows. I have seen black and white visuals of people from the 1900’s etc. Why would my visions be in black and white unless I was looking at a preprogrammed vision? Sometimes when I am seeing a reality my viewfinder will settle down on the sand and not move again. I am just sitting there awake looking at this image of the sand until it decides to move again and start flying over stuff. It is a virtual reality game. I believe there are an infinite number of realities that are programmed into our soul. How do we know what is coming from our true essence and what is programmed? It is explained in the article. THE WINDOW Learn from your own personal experiences with the soul of good and evil. Become aware of how the soul operates by studying it; for being able to experience how the soul operates leads to self reflection and introspection which leads to catching the soul in action and self-realization. We are a mind living inside a human mammal, a homo sapien design, and we have identified our self with this creature through the contents of the soul unaware of our individuality as the mind. As we move through life various memories are being delivered to our mind from the soul causing us to think, speak and act in specific ways. We never stop to think that we are not in full control of our thoughts and actions and yet we sometimes wonder why we think, speak and do the things we do - but it quickly fades. We believe we are in full control of our life, making the decisions and choices all on our own; but what you are about to discover is something quite different. We have been educated by church and state and thus for the most part we have a "conditioned" free will, the contents of the soul (what we have been taught) directing our mind. For example, you have been reading these teachings of Jesus, agreeing and disagreeing based upon your previous education, thereby at best generating a confused and limited understanding; just like reading a new technical book for the first time on a new subject. However, once you start to APPLY these teachings to your self a clearer understanding becomes apparent. The soul is an entity with great power and ability. It functions in connection with the human brain and the five physical senses of the human body to create an experience for the mind. As such, the soul generates an energy field around and interpenetrating the human form; some call this an aura. Yes, through this symbiotic relationship of the soul with the human form the mind becomes identified with the human container and this world is all it sees. Whether we are awake or asleep we are identified with this world and the contents of soul, to which we add to daily through the human experience. Next we will not only reveal how it all works, but give you the ability to prove it to your self. The soul operates using light and sound to produce a virtual reality and creates emotional attachments to the various images. The light is the substance used to form and illuminate the images; the sound is the essence used to animate the images while providing the sound tracks (voices, music, noise). We experience this stage and screen production in the dream state, while in the waking state we experience "talking to ourself" even arguing mentally with this imagery coming from soul, day dreaming. Up until now you have just experienced it as a part of life, now we hope you are thinking about this subtle operation of soul. All thoughts are but collections of images strung together and/or superimposed upon each other. Yes international and intercultural, completely separate from language, images are grouped together and arranged in specific orders to form ideas, ideals, attitudes, opinions, beliefs, etc. A person's collective imagery underlies their every thought, word and action. These stored images in the soul form the basis of all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions. They are us and they are guiding us through life, moment-to-moment, forming our attitudes, opinions, desires, belief systems and habits. Even "supernatural" experiences are just the generated phenomena created by the soul using the light and sound of its stored imagery. This is a tough pill to swallow for those who have had the amazing, belief altering experiences of soul's White Light. Yes those amazing, wonderful, emotional and oh so real experiences were all orchestrated by soul to deceive and control. You went nowhere, you saw nothing real. The soul is all powerful and uses its imagery and energy to produce fantastic virtual realities; whatever it takes to keep you from the truth and under its control. The soul can create anything from seeing fairies, elves, angels, gods, goddesses, saints, saviours, ascended masters, demons, devils, ghosts, aliens, UFO's, unicorn winged horses . . . including images of God or the voice of God, whatever it takes to side-track you! Just keep reading and watching TV. Every illusion from heaven to hell and in between is awaiting the seeker on soul's paths. This phenomena generated by soul can be seen in the dream state as one drifts off to sleep, or in the twilight state of consciousness just before waking in the morning, or during passive meditation, or active meditation. On rare occasions when the conditions are just right, soul's imagery can appear to be projected externally in front of you like a mirage in the desert. One just can't believe that there could be anything better than the White Light experiences generated by soul. The following reference material has been provided to show this information is not new. Researchers such as Jung, Freud, Rampa, Gatz and others have had and found similar findings. These are just a few of the examples of the observations and conclusions discovered by researchers such as Jung, Freud, Rampa, Gatz and others. You see, this information about the mind and how it works is not new, it's just not widely taught or publicized. "Visual and auditory sensory experiences apparently are placed in storage as if they had been permanently recorded on sound film." (Gatz, A. "Manter's Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology"; Philadelphia, Pa.; F.A. Davis & Co.; 1970, pg. 112.) "It is possible for thought processes to become conscious through a reversion to visual residues. Thinking in pictures, approximates more closely to unconscious processes than does thinking in words, and is unquestionably older than the latter both ontogenetically and phylogenetically." (Freud, S. "The Ego and the Id"; New York; W.W. Norton & Co.; 1960, pg. 19.) "The years I spent pursuing my inner images were the most important in my life." (Jung, C.G. "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"; New York; Vintage Books; 1963, pg. 199.) "The psychological mechanism that transforms energy is the symbol. The true basis of symbolism is the correspondence linking together all orders of reality, binding them one to the other, and consequently extending from the natural order as a whole to the supernatural order. By virtue of this correspondence, the whole of nature is but a symbol, its true significance becoming apparent when it is seen as a pointer to supernatural or metaphysical truths." (Cirlot, J. "A Dictionary of Symbols"; New York; Philosophical Library; 1962, pgs. xxxi and xxxiv.) "In dreams and half-dreaming states, the mind is filled with a throng of images and fantasies. It is here the natural tendencies and predilections of living stuff comes to expression. More than all, I think, here the organizing power of life fashions into orderly patterns the floating fantasies of the unconscious mind. Among the throng of random images and ideas, the unconscious mind rejects certain combinations as unimportant or incompatible but sees the significance of others. By this means, order-intellectual, esthetic, or spiritual is distinguished from randomness. One must recognize the operation in the unconscious of such an organizing factor, for chance alone is not creative. Just as the organism pulls together random, formless stuff into the patterned system of structure and function in the body, so the unconscious mind seems to select and arrange and correlate these ideas and images into a pattern. The resemblances between the two processes are close. The concept is worth considering that the organizing power of life, manifest in mind as well as in body, for the two are hardly separable, is the truly creative element. Creativity thus becomes an attribute of life." (Vernon, P.E. "Creativity, Selected Readings"; New York; Penguin Books; 1970, pg. 111.) "The creative mechanism within you is impersonal. It will work automatically and impersonally to achieve goals of success and happiness, or unhappiness and failure, depending upon the goals which you yourself set for it. Present it with 'success goals' and it functions as a 'success mechanism'. Present it with negative goals, and it operates just as impersonally and just as faithfully as a failure mechanism. Like any other servomechanism, it must have a clear-cut goal, objective, or problem to work upon. The goals that our own creative mechanism seeks to achieve are MENTAL IMAGES, or mental pictures, which we create by the use of the Imagination." (Maltx, M. "Psyco-Cybernetics"; New York; Pocket Books; 1966, pg. 12.) "Visualization increases when a person enters a state of directionless thought." (Horowitz, M. "Image Formation and Cognition"; New York; Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1970, pg. 30.) "All servo-mechanisms achieve a goal by negative feedback, or by going forward, making mistakes, and immediately correcting cause. Further learning and continuous success is accomplished by forgetting the past errors and remembering the successful response so it can be imitated. You must learn to TRUST your creative mechanism to do its work and not 'jam it' by becoming too concerned or too anxious as to whether it will work or not ... or by attempting to force it by too much conscious effort. You must 'let it work' rather than trying to 'make it work.' This TRUST is necessary because your creative mechanism operates below the level of consciousness." (Maltx, M. "Psyco-Cybernetics"; New York; Pocket Books; 1966, pg. 26.) "This creatively aspect of the psychic nucleus can come into play only when the ego gets rid of all purposive and wishful aims and tries to get to a deeper, more basic form of existence. The ego must be able to listen attentively and to give itself without any further design or purpose to that inner urge towards growth." (Jung, C.G. "Man and His Symbols"; Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday and Co. Inc.; 1968, pgs. 161-163.) "The mystic experience, brought about by concentrative meditation, de-automatization exercises, and other techniques intended to alter ordinary, linear consciousness is then a shift from that normal analytical world, containing separate, discrete objects and persons - to a second mode, an experience of Unity, a mode of intuition. This experience is outside the province of language and rationality. " (Ornstern, R. "The Psychology of Consciousness"; San Francisco, CA; W.H. Freeman & Co.; 1972, pg. 138.) "Every event in the visible world is the effect of an 'image,' that is, of an idea in the unseen world. Accordingly, everything that happens on earth is only a reproduction of an event in a world beyond our sense perception; as regards its occurrence in time, it is later than the supra-sensible event. The holy men and sages, who are in contact with those higher spheres, have access to these ideas through direct intuition and are therefore able to intervene decisively in events in the world. Thus man is linked with heaven, the supra-sensible world of ideas, and with earth, the natural world of visible things, to form with these a trinity of the primal powers." (Wilheim, R. "The I Ching"; Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press; 1967, pg. lvii.) "Place all your faith in your subconscious mind. Don't worry about the 'how' or the 'when' ... relax and mentally visualize a screen, one inch by two inches, right between your eyes. As soon as the screen appears clear before your vision, inject into the screen the image of what you want ... just ask for whatever your heart desires, and have faith ... leave everything else to the subconscious. It's amazing, the way it has of working out your problems and bringing about your desires. As success is experienced, your powers will likewise increase." (Wiekl, A. "Creative Visualization"; New York; Greenwich Book Publishers; 1958, pgs. 67-68.) "Translate the emotions into images, that is to say, to find the images which were concealed in the emotions." (Jung, C.G. "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"; New York; Vintage Books; 1963, pg. 177.) "The ability to visualize easily, vividly, is key, according to the Soviets, in the successful transmission of telepathy." (Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L. "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain"; New York; Bantam Books; 1971, pg. 122.) "First you will be inclined to put it down to imagination but it is not imagination but reality. If you dismiss it as idle imagination you will dismiss telepathy." (Rampa, L. "You-Forever"; London; Gorgi Books; 1971, pg. 159.) "Knowledge does not enrich us, it removes us more and more from the mythic world in which we were once at home by right of birth." (Jung, C.G. "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"; New York; Vintage Books; 1963, pg. 252.) How we experience life is based upon the arranged imagery stored in the soul. Life is but the "effect" of a continuum of this fate producing imagery moving us forward to a specific destiny. This imagery is the "cause" and how we experience life is the "effect." So life-like are these images that as they flow into our mind we become upset, mad, angry, laugh or become sad all over again just as it we were having the original experience. We clench our fists, grit our teeth, the muscles tense up and the soul employs its imagination to add to the original experience to make it more controlling in the future. We think it's us doing the thinking and the imagining, but we are just watching the soul at work with its imagery. What we are attempting to explain is the "process of soul" whereby we are constantly being stimulated, internally and externally, to re-live and re-enact memories stored in the soul all day long (day dreaming) - look around at the people around you day dreaming. Better still watch your own behaviour. As one looks deeper into how the soul operates we find that "try as we might" we just can't stop these old memories from surfacing and affecting the ways we feel, think, speak and act. Why? Because our mind has "conditioned" us over many years to operate in this way. Try it right now, see how long you can remain focused in the now before something pulls you away into a thought. The soul has been designed to operate in this way. To stop it from managing our mind we are going to have to become "aware" and stop the "chatter." We are going to have to make some changes in our understanding, and it's not going to be fast or easy. We have been educated with specific political, social and religious imagery. The more time we devote to certain personal belief systems, the stronger mental and emotional identifications we form with those beliefs: they become our favorite images, what we live our life by. Line Narcissus we are in love with our imagery, and the stronger the mental and emotional bonds the greater influence and control they have over our lives. We encounter each experience in life based upon this stored imagery, forming all our likes, dislikes, loves, hates, fears, courage, etcetera. Therefore, understanding how the soul operates and uses its imagery to move us through life on a moment to moment basis comes not only from reading about it, BUT from the practice of looking for this imagery in our life and observing it in the lives of those around us. Seeing how the soul operates is an opportunity for each one of us to understand just how this imagery relates to our present "belief systems" and thus our ability to make changes to those long held, most cherished beliefs - especially the ones that may not be working out for our betterment. Once we start to experience the soul managing our thoughts and behaviour, we can then begin to understand what it is we must do to start the process of retaking control from soul. For seeing the imagery of soul leads to introspection, which leading to catching soul in the act of controlling us, which leads to self-realization, which leads to wanting to be free from soul's control. So, how can we see these images of soul? And the answer is, through the window of the soul. We will look out the window and onto the film clips of the soul and seeing what is being transmitted for us to subconsciously see. The window is located between the two eye brows in the center of the forehead. The film clips appear out there in the blackness as one looks through the window. Window of Soul. Awake or asleep the imagery of the soul constantly parades across this space for the mind to see and indentify with. The next time you are day dreaming catch yourself and see where your attention is focused even though your eyes may be staring elsewhere. Or when you have to search the memory, feel your attention move up to the window. Or the next time you are having a conversation with someone and they have to search their memory to answer the question, watch their eyes move up as their attention shifts to the window. As the mind looks through the window in the forehead an image forms in the darkness. As the mind views the image it becomes animated and begins to play out like a movie on a screen in a theater. If the mind identifies with the film clip it is pulled into a sequence of holographic images and becomes a participant in the soul's virtual reality. The holographic movie continues to run, with us participating, until we are startled, frightened, lose interest or some external stimuli brings us back into the physical, just like in the dream during sleep or the day dream when we are in a light trance. Our life's experiences have already constructed thousands of these holographic movies, while soul's imagination has created thousands more to entertain and control. At any given moment several of these film clips are competing for our attention, pulling us into a day dream. The process is so subtle it goes unnoticed and by adulthood we have become so habituated by the process that we think, speak and act according to these stored film clips of habits, opinions, attitudes, likes, dislikes, beliefs and so on, uttering cliches and rehearsed lines we live life semi-automated, acting and reacting routinely without a second thought as to why we are like we are or why we do what we do, it's all quite natural and normal to us. On a rare occasion there is that moment when we think to ourself, "Why did I say that?" or "Why did I do that?" but soul quickly re-directs our thinking away from such thoughts usually with some convincing rationalization. The soul works on us from the moment we are born, with a massive attack on us as adolescents, and finally quickening control with the help of those already in adulthood. It's no wonder children don't like to be around adults; adults are so superficial, lifeless, automated and unnatural, they are no longer child-like. As an adult the process begins immediately when the soul receives some external or internal stimulation; the process taking place at the speed of light. As the stimulus "lights-up" one image other connected and supporting images are lit up and arranged into a film clip which appears out there in front of the window for the mind to see. It all takes place instantly, so fast and subtly, that we don't notice the process. This operation of the soul goes unnoticed unless someone educates us and we learn how to experience the process so eventually we can take control of it and put a stop to soul controlling us. We really need to educate our self, the mind, through direct first-hand experience with this process; for by doing so will begin the awakening and the realization our individuality as the mind, separate from the soul and its human container. Once we can prove it to our self, through actual personal experience, not reading about it, the awakening can begin. So learning how to see the imagery through the window is most important to an understanding of our self, the mind, and the soul and how it controls us. There is a technique one can use to experience the imagery through the window and the technique begins by imagining an image outside the window, thus providing the stimuli for soul, and then "pretending" to move out through the window and into that image whereby it engulfs you in its virtual reality and the holographic film clip plays out with you inside. The success of the technique depends upon your ability to "pretend" and nothing else. You have to pretend to see the image on the outside of the window. Then you have to pretend to move through the window and into the image. Then you have to pretend what is happening. You have to do this without thinking; just let things develop; go with the flow. Just pretend like the little child does with their imaginary friend with them; talking, listening and acting out with their imaginary friend. The child doesn't question or wonder about their imaginary friend, the friend is just there and playing along with them. If you are startled or frightened by what you experience then just like the dream state you will come out of it. If you are questioning, thinking about, analyzing or wondering why nothing is happening, you will never get anywhere. Be absent of thought and pretend your way out, into, and along with the film clip. At some point, and don't try to catch it or see it, the pretending will be taken over by the actual experience and you will be going with the flow inside soul's virtual reality. Again: imagine an image; pretend to see it, mock it up out there on the other side of the window; pretend to move out and into the image; pretend how things are unfolding until it takes over and you go with the flow as the pretending comes to life. You do it all the time when you are day dreaming about something from the past; when soul pulls you into its thinking. The only difference is this time YOU are providing the stimuli to trigger soul's response. Now you are going to trigger and activate soul's stored imagery, with respect to past lives, and experience it consciously as mind. The more often you practice the technique the sooner you will get results, included the lucid experiences of soul's White Light phenomena. Those with less analytical minds will find it easier; children can do it naturally. Now let us demonstrate the spiritual deception taught by Masters and Spiritual Organizations as an out of body experience, astral travel, soul travel, etcetera; accessing your past lives by viewing your Akashic Record Book on a so-called higher realm. It's simply accessing the imagery of soul, but to the uneducated it's a life changing, beautiful, mystical experience, especially if the experience becomes the lucid White Light experience. Many wondrous experiences await the unsuspecting person with the "white Light" of soul; you can't imagine anything more beautiful, it must be heaven - it's not! The Akashic Record Book is simply your soul. Karma, cause and effect, is just the fate producing film clips of soul which creates and controls our destiny. Life's experiences adding to and altering this karmic imagery. Now let us take a visit to YOUR Akashic Record Book and see one of your so-called past lives. Praise be to the God of the Living for the love of forgiveness in providing us infidels with a means to redeem our self and return Home. Below is a sketch of the "temple of learning" where you will find your Akashic Record Book. You need to look at this visual so you can place it on the viewing screen. Remember, you need not be able to see this image clearly or lucidly on the viewing screen for the technique to work. The moment you first looked at this picture it was stored in soul. You just need to pretend to visualize it to call it up out of soul and onto the viewing screen. Find a chair in a quiet area of your home. Sit up straight and get comfortable. Close your eyes gently and relax from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Squirm around and wriggle in your chair until you are comfortable and relaxed. Take a couple of deep breaths to release any residual stress and focus your attention out onto the viewing screen and visualize the image of the "temple of learning". Now PRETEND that you fly out towards the "temple of learning" and in through the doorway at the front. Inside you see what looks like a pulpit straight ahead (down a long isle). PRETEND you fly down the isle to the pulpit where you see a book open on the pulpit. This is your Akashic Record Book and you may or may not be able to read it or see anything on the open pages. Next PRETEND to dive into one of the two pages which are open before you and a past life will begin to unfold as long as you don't "think" about whether it's happening or not. As long as you don't start thinking about and analyzing what's happening, and as long as you don't try to control or direct the scene, you will start to see a scene unfolding. Just watch like you would a movie or a show and go with the flow like the day dream. When you're finished just open your eyes. Above all don't be concerned if you are not having lucid visuals like in the dream state; the lucid visual is the exception and not the norm. Most people just see it happening in the twilight state as they are unable to fully penetrate the dark void. You see like you would if you walked around your home at night with all the lights off. What's important is learning about the soul and how it operates! Like any skill in life you master that skill and become proficient by practice, practice, and more practice, not by knowing the information or instructions in a book. It's not easy, or everyone would be doing it: and because it is not easy few people can persist long enough to make it work. It takes a lot of resolve to overcome the soul's whispering, "it doesn't work, I can't do it, just more nonsense." Just go to the "temple of learning" and fly inside to your book on the pulpit without any thoughts of who, what, when, where, why or how - without any questioning. Don't have any expectations about what you should or shouldn't be experiencing, after all, why would you have any expectations, you've never done this before so how could you expect anything? Don't even consider, "am I there yet?", just go and do it without any thought. Don't be concerned about how the technique works just know that it does work and do it! Just be there like the little child pretending in the moment and not thinking about whether it's real or not but just making it happen by pretending. Just be like the little child who would pretend s-he is flying up and out of the body and out to the "temple of learning" and in through the front door and up to the pulpit where s-he flies into one of the two pages open in the book and then going with the scene as it unfolds. Just one thought and your instantly back in the head. Keep thinking, instead of pretending and doing, and you'll never get out to the viewing screen of soul. Remember; when you are day dreaming about something, soul has easily pulled you out into the screen where you are focused on what it wants you to think about to the exclusion of everything else going on around you. Look around at the people in life day dreaming, self-hypnotized to the exclusion of their surroundings. These are the original teachings of Jesus which were given to us to help us understand who we are, where we are, and what is going on. These original teachings


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