Blood Over Intent

Blood over intent is a magical ritual. It is used for good intention and it is also for bad intent such as manipulation of others. If you don't think that is happening on a global scale you are not paying attention to the world around you and deeply embedded in a false reality.

The way to fight fire is with fire. This idea that we need guns and other weapons to fight evil in the world is idiotic. Do you think we can kill all the evil beings and no more will ever be born into the world? The evil in the world are those that use magic, the power of psychological trickery on others. Evil does not kill because to kill is to leave you with no one to torture or control. No they want sheep to herd and use for energy.

If you want to end this cycle of enslavement through witchcraft on the planet you must learn that you are already a magician and learn how to use magic against evil. If you wish to unite with people that are aligning to bring heaven to earth you have to write your intention on a piece of paper like you did when you were a kid. Remember the blood pact? You pricked your finger and became blood sisters or brothers with someone? That is not evil. It is NOT black magic. Black magic is using secret rituals solidifying your intention to control, manipulate, harm or deceived someone. White magic is a ritual for good.

We all use magic every single day. We entrain our brains and others entrain our brains for us. If you do not program your own mind someone else will. You may not be hungry but you just watched a commercial that had certain symbols and words and now you are hungry. Someone told you they wanted to make America great again by building a wall and getting rid of all the bad guys. They appealed to your fear and ego. This is exactly what the Church has done. They tell you God is to be feared, not to worship idols but they bow to statues and the image of Christ. Their ritual to bind you to them is communion. But Jesus offered his flesh and blood in bread and wine at the last supper. He was performing an ancient ritual.
"Each of the Apostles brought drops of his own blood in their cups and they emptied them into the chalice of Jesus the Christ.  The Beloved had also placed his own royal blood in this chalice.  Thus, this is how the blood of Jesus Christ was mixed within the Holy Grail with the blood of his disciples. . .All pacts are signed in blood.  The Astral body of Jesus Christ remained associated, united with his disciples and with all of humanity through the blood pact." from Gnostic Teachings, Samael Weor.

Christ is within you already. You need go through no one to get to Christ. And the Kingdom is within you. Jesus told you that. Yet the Church still asserts power over you unless you have awakened from the spell.

That is trickery and deception. No one can make the world great by lying and inciting fear. And you will NEVER get rid of all the bad guys. The power to create heaven on earth lies within us. We must realize our own power. We must not be afraid of using psychological tools and physics which is "magic" because we are told by the control freak magicians that magic is evil. Is science evil? Science is observing the phenomenon. Distorting truth, facts, using technologies against others is evil, not science alone. The magicians that do tricks for money will tell you there is no such thing as magic implying magic is beyond cause and effect and what they are doing is a trick. Like it is different somehow than magic. Knowing secret causes and effects using alchemy and physics is magic. Everything is due to cause and effect. Magic is magic. Withholding your knowledge as ransom and deceiving people is black magic. Do not be afraid to take back your power as a magician. That is what a human was designed for. We have hands, higher thinking,compassion, abstract thoughts. We were not put here to be slaves to ego and fear and to those that know their own power and use it against us.

When you have sex and you deeply lust someone thinking only of possessing them or using them you are practicing black magic. You are made of water, salt, fire, earth, air, flesh and bone: the elements and spirit. Your thoughts are energy and you direct your energy when you place your intention on what you lust or what you revere. You are already a magician. Now you have to learn whether you wish to use your powers for good or evil. That is your choice. It is time to teach our children that not only are they extremely powerful but they must use their powers for good and not evil if they wish to create heaven on earth.

State your intention. Make a pact with the rest of the awakened ones. Take back your power and stop believing in the lies of the evil ones in this world using us for energy and entertainment.

I intend to create heaven on earth
I intend to love all excluding no one

If God is in all that is then to love all that is, is to love God.
God is love.


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