The Seven Afflictions-Lust

 In each moment we are faced with a decision to give in to our afflictions or not. Life should never be boring if you are fully awake to the true nature of reality. Our quality of life has very little to do with situations but more to do with our attitudes. This is very hard to accept when we are in the middle of a war zone or starving. But it is still true.

If you watch reality shows such as "Naked and Afraid" you see that they all are struggling to survive but the ones that are mentally strong are usually the ones that make it to the end. Higher thinking is what makes us human. We have the ability to not respond to our primal instincts but to witness them and make a choice to act or not act. We have the ability to allow fear to rule us or not in each moment.

The most physical of afflictions is lust. The energy of the first chakra is a very powerful energy of attraction. But when we are not in a state of love that attraction becomes lust. Love is a frequency literally that is harmonic resonance. Lust is dissonance. It is seeing the someone as the "object" of your affliction rather than the receiver of your affection. To conceive a child without being in a physical state of love or naturally induced bliss is creating a child with the same afflictions or dissonance of one's current state at the moment of conception. It can be lust, anger, pride etc. Only when all your energy centers are in a state of love and balance can you procreate a true human being as it was meant to be created. This is why it is so important for us to discipline ourselves in this way. It is the original meaning of a virgin birth. To fornicate is a sin because a sin is a dissonant frequency pattern. It is not LOVE. It has nothing to do with permission from god or a piece of paper that says you are legally wed.


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