Abort This

There is a lab fire. You have time to save only one, a child or petri dishes with fetuses. Choose one. The truth is that any compassionate person is going to save the living breathing little girl because she has attachments to family, feelings, fear which is the very cause of suffering but a fetus does not. And further more, our beliefs about when a fetus is a human being doesn't matter. Either we make a choice that causes suffering or we don't. Each person is responsible for their own actions and how they deal with the consequences of those actions.
The truth is that only the mother has a say in bringing a child to full term whether anyone likes it or not. Nothing you can do about it. No one can prove a miscarriage was intentional. It is the deliberate abortion that really gets under people's skin simply because they have no control. If a man wants a baby and the mother doesn't he can go to a lab or go find another woman to incubate his child. We are talking about living human beings, living WOMEN and young girls, verses a fetus that has not yet built a relationship with anyone. There is no reference for attachment in a fetus, which is the cause of suffering. Pain is learned. I am a mother and I had an abortion. It was my free will. I alone had to deal with my feelings about it and emotions not you or anyone else. It is not your place or anyone else's to tell me that I cannot terminate my pregnancy. No, "WE" are not pregnant. The woman is pregnant. No man or woman has the right to force their own consequences or punishment for terminating a pregnancy. That is between the woman and her maker.

Sane people would never end a pregnancy in the late stages in a way that would cause suffering to the unborn child. But even this is something no one can control. It doesn't matter if people think it is a sin or not. They need to worry about their own sins. It doesn't matter what percentage of women were raped but I can tell you, most women including me were and are raped by someone they know. Stand up for the living children being raped, beaten, starving right now. Worry about the women being raped and beaten instead of sticking your nose up a woman's vagina and telling her what she can or cannot do with the fetus. I say to opposer of abortion adopt all of the unwanted children then you can talk about adoption as an option. But try giving up a baby you nurtured and loved for nine months to a stranger not knowing how they will treat the child. Give up all of your rights to the child. Until you have walked in a woman's shoes and know what it is like to be pregnant in a world that holds women down, with a child she cannot afford to raise, was the product of rape, might kill you in child birth etc you have no say in the matter.

Until hypocrites start respecting all LIVING beings in this life they have ZERO say about an unborn child. Stop killing an torturing living creatures that actually do feel loss pain and suffering and then we can talk about the rules of when to abort a human child. But don't tell a woman she cannot abort a child and that if she does she will be punished. And don't think it is something women go around doing on a Saturday night because they feel like it. Maybe the way to end abortion is to make men store their sperm and then get sterilized. Maybe it's the man that is responsible for unwanted pregnancies that just cant seem to beat that evil vixen off of him and has no control of his penis and cannot afford condoms. Maybe stop keeping contraception from young poor women. Get to the root of the problem. Rapists can be liberated from the penises altogether.I can think of a lot of ways to lessen abortion but they are ways control freaks despise. This topic has never been about women doing evil things. What woman do you think wants to have an abortion? This is always about people wanting to control women and keep them in their place. And I am sorry but they are going to lose.


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