Intellect vs Intuition, Jesus and Lucifer

There are millions of people stepping into the higher frequency of life. And it is a painful process mentally and physically because the EGO which manifests as anger, hate, domination, wants to rule. It does NOT want to let go and let us be in the flow of life. It wants us to struggle and submit. Being one with "God" is about being simply in the flow of this higher state of being. Let go and let god is not about giving up responsibility for our actions. No physical being claiming to be God will save you. We choose to live attuned or in dissonance and in fear. We have to work at it. And the control seekers out there allow Ego to be their masters will do anything to keep others down. This is why we are being poisoned mentally and physically.

Our mental cravings are our downfall. The body has it's own intelligence. We listen to the brain that craves comfort, pleasure, recognition, power etc. "If you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die". This is not to say knowledge is a bad thing but it is our belief that we can micromanage everything that gets us into trouble. When we start messing with the balance of nature we weave a very tangled web and it cuts us off from the flow of life. The basis of marketing is appealing to people's animal nature, our cravings. If you listen with the higher mind, it tells us what we need not what we want to satisfy the senses. A dog will eat grass because he needs to help his digestion. He doesn't KNOW that from learning it in a book. It is intuitive. We humans are complicated creatures. We have instinct and we have conscious thinking as well as inner KNOWING and the ability to FEEL compassion. Understanding this and putting it into practice is what I call being a true Human.

There are two masters that rule our higher aspects of SELF IN THE BRAIN. Not up in the sky. We cannot serve two masters. Until we finally choose to serve the higher mind, Christ Consciousness, Jesus, God, Allaha, the Father/Intuition etc we will continue to serve Ego/Satan/Intellect. Jesus/Horus, The Light of the World, Morning Star is the RIGHT hand of God and Lucifer/Ra is the LEFT. Lucifer/Morning Star is Intellect and Jesus is Intuition. Lucifer is fallen because he uses knowledge and truth to deceive and is a pale imitation of the Holy Spirit of LIFE. The story of these two brothers is told in every culture and has been personified in order for humans to understand this battle on a subconscious level. If there are two actual beings battling it out over humanity there is nothing we can do about it. But if this is truly an inner battle that we must resolve then it requires not faith in some externalized superhero god, as the control freaks continue to push down our throats in movies and religions, but inner work. "The kingdom is within".


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