America-Land of the Control Freaks, Home of the Frightened

Thousands of Irish, Polish, Jewish refugees came to America in boats to Ellis Island. They were called dirty pigs and beaten in the streets. “No Irish need apply” on the storefronts. This is how the white British immigrants that murdered and displaced the native Americans treated other incoming immigrants SEEKING REFUGE. Different tribes of the American natives behaved differently when it came to foreigners invading their land. Many of them decided peaceful relations was best and sharing was best.  Working together is best.  We don’t own this land. We just occupy it. 

The same people that travel to South America and Mexico on vacation, where the locals take care of them and feed them margaritas  obviously believe those people are lesser and not worthy of the same treatment -ALL of them. There is no getting to know them to see what kind of people they are because they are not allowed to come into OUR country in their time of need. “Fuck them” is what you say. “Women shouldn’t drag their kids a thousand miles to our border if they don’t want to get pepper sprayed” like they took their kids to a Metallica concert. THEY ARE REFUGEES!! I am disgusted with Americans, not America. So don’t tell me to “leave the country if you have a problem with it”.  See, you haters out there don’t see human beings, you see dark skin people that speak a different language and it scares you. You buy into the hate fear mongering perpetuated by extreme conservatives with political agendas. My view is not Liberal extremism. It is common sense decency. 

When you find yourself homeless hungry and running from the military that supposedly wants to take your guns (TrumPets), run to the Mexican border seeking asylum.  I hope they treat you the same way you treated them. Once people break the spell of dualism and start thinking with their higher brain functions instead of being ruled by the Reptilian Brain,  they will be true human beings rather than the demonic low life I see all around me now. It is just this dream I have. Call me crazy.


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