Dualism: How Humans Became Enslaved

Example of Dualism, a psychological disorder and weapon.

Reality: All media is controlled by a few elite families that run everything. You can easily research this. This does not mean all news is fake. It means the truth can be twisted and withheld or revealed in order to serve an agenda. The news we receive is micromanaged by the people in charge. Those people can be corrupted by power and money just like anyone. We cannot believe everything we see and hear. We must use discernment and research things for ourselves. We must use common sense and not believe everything simply because someone in a uniform or on T.V. said it is the truth. It is a fact that the government keeps information from the public "for their own good". What they consider "Our own good" is debatable. The truth has no tongue. What we believe has nothing to do with truth. Belief is in your head.

Example: People with a far right agenda will say all media reports fake news accept for Fox News (a self proclaimed "Entertainment Channel" pushing Far Right propaganda). So Trump supporters believe it without question.

Reality: Conspiracies exist. Conspiracy theories are theories about conspiracy. In order to prove conspiracy one must investigate and provide evidence. One must use logic and reason a well as science to do this. Therefore a conspiracy theorist is not automatically paranoid or insane.
Example: People that conspire will perpetuate a campaign to make all people that propose Conspiracy Theories seem crazy. Anyone that researches a conspiracy theory is immediately assumed crazy or stupid. Problem solved for the conspirator.

Reality: Politicians that are control freaks believe they best serve their agendas by polarizing in order to control. There are extreme conservative views and extreme liberal views.

Example: Democracy is undermined by this need to control. Compromise is necessary in a Democracy. Us against them is the rule of thumb for control freaks. Politicians are supposed to serve the middle ground not fight both ends against the middle. In this way a few people control everything and use the political battles as a way to distract from their secret actions. It is called slight of hand. These people are magicians. You believe you are fighting for your side but you are choosing between two evils. We believe do have the power to choose but it is within that false paradigm. It is like a choice between eating sugar all day or eating GMO pesticide sprayed vegetables. You THINK you are making the right choice but both lead to one person fucking you over for a profit and your brain and body rotting away.

Higher thinking is when you move beyond duality mindset and see the world for what it is. You make choices based upon compassion and constructive actions rather than being loyal to your team, religion, political affiliation. Rethink your belief systems. Recognizes belief is a tool or a weapon. Higher thinking is what makes a human, HUMAN. If you cannot master your lower thought processes and you remain the victim of mind games then you are more like an animal than human. This is the very foundation of the teachings of all cultures and every other awakened person on the planet.


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