To Be Controlled or Not To Be- That is the Question

And God separated the waters above and below. . . .

The following is not science fiction but quantum physics concepts of mainstream physicists, information encoded in scriptures and from Buddhist and Vedic teachings. Open your mind...

A black hole is the core of a torus. A torus is like an hourglass, two nesting donuts. At the central opening is where matter is moving past our perception of matter through the wormhole into the other side. Dark matter is only dark to the observer that cannot perceive beyond a certain frequency. The other side is the opposite or anti matter side and vice versa. Between the two donuts is a flat plane where they meet at zero point. This is the point or plane where denser organism can become animated and rise up off of the flat plane or swim in the fluids, burn as fire or dig in the earth that is slowly shifting. It is where all spinning waves that make up the toroid or atomic structure slow down and find equilibrium and balance. Buoyant elements rise up and denser objects sink down relative to the pull at the center of the toroid. It is ALL designed by vibratory frequencies finding order and perpetual motion via implosion physics and golden ratio geometry. 

The inward flow of energy recycles moving constantly inward from one perspective and outward from the other. Clockwise and counterclockwise are also relative directions. This is how order is established out of chaos. It is how life arises. And it does not have to be assumed artificial because an organic universe naturally unfolds in this way as it vibrates or spins depending upon perspective, and these mico and macro tornadoes create holographic realities. A simulation implies copying what occurs naturally. It is possible also that we are inside of an artificial construct both holographic, physical and mental. But the only thing that matters is that we understand the difference between a controlled matrix and a natural one.

A controlled matrix means we are being controlled and manipulated. The natural holographic matrix is also an illusion but we are the masters of our own reality in that we KNOW it is illusion and we are not in fear of that illusion. And we do not NEED anyone to rule over us because we are awake and KNOW that compassion is the key to peace and free-flowing life. We can choose the Fear Path which equals enslavement and suffering or the path of Liberation. It is up to each of us. Being lucid at the moment of death (KNOWLEDGE) enough to step out of the controlled hologram which is a program is how we do that. Please note that this does not mean people should just check out. Suicide is not an option. But that is another story. Life is about the journey. Go Go Go


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