How the Anti Christ Hijacked Christianity

When you say "I trust in God" or "I believe in God", you must know that it is an ambiguous statement and anyone can step into the role of God. We have to define God if we wish to communicate effectively. Otherwise there is no point in speaking at all when it comes to being one with creation. The God of the creation is not the same as a god that takes credit for creation, punishes, commands murder then says "Do not kill". That is a lesser god. There is so much contradiction in the bible and within Christianity because of trickery. When I talk about being a Christian or say "Christ is coming" I do not have the same definition as most so called Christians because modern Christianity is corrupted by Anti Christian concepts. That is why I do not call myself a Christian or Buddhist or use labels at all. Using labels is a form of deception. I will explain.

Most modern Christians do not see that they are already deceived by the same Anti Christ system or mind construct that they preach is "coming". We are indeed facing what is an ultimate control system of the material world. The people in power always take their control system to the next level every time the mass consciousness ascends to higher levels of awareness. This is the game of these insiders that are aware of the true nature of reality and how religions were corrupted. Some use this information for the "good fight" and other are self serving control freaks. The issue with Christianity is that, like other religions the words and languages that instruct us on the mysteries of creation were hijacked and confused. The bible says "We shall confuse their languages" (so that they cannot be like the gods). The gods are the controllers. Clearly we are told this in the bible yet people do not seem to understand that language is used to deceive people even within the Christian religion. The original Aramaic language describes a physiological process of becoming "Christed" just like becoming a Buddha or a wise sage, a practitioner of SPIRITUAL BEING. This was confused by teaching a different context. For example a secret agent might say "The pigeon is in the coup. I repeat the pigeon is in the coup". What they mean however is that the suspect just walked into the house. Secret sects use code to communicate something or to deceive others. Inversion is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to manipulation. In this way someone is able to speak the truth and in the same breath allow the listener to believe a false context. Ivana Trump said,

“Perception is more important than reality. If someone perceives something to be true, it is more important than if it is in fact true. This doesn't mean you should be duplicitous or deceitful, but don't go out of your way to correct a false assumption if it plays to your advantage.”

She clearly does not actually understand that allowing someone to believe a falsity and using that to your advantage is in fact a deception. It is trickery used by these tricksters that have ruled the world for thousands of years. Her father, Donald Trump taught her this because his father taught him. It is part of the Freemason secrets that are handed down to initiates. There is a reason billionaires have power and wealth. It is not because they give freely and seek to be humble and like Christ. They learn from an early age how to deceive others in order to make money. Every commercial that is selling a product has to appeal to your hierarchy of needs; your ego, to make you want to smoke, buy that car, by flowers on Valentines day. That is trickery.

 "Christians" say they believe in the teachings of Jesus yet they do the exact opposite of the teachings. Jesus said "Christ is within". He said "When you make the eye single the body is full of light". Most preachers just ignore this or say it and then do not attempt to explain it. Jesus's life story is an analogy for a physiological process in the body whether people want to believe it or not. Just like the pigeon in the coup. Whether you believe it was meant to be taken that way or not is up to you but it is still an analogy. The way to know for certain the correct context of the story of the son of God dying on the cross and rising again, is to use logic and reason. Whether this character, Jesus was an actual person or not, what was the intention of the teaching? He was trying to save our souls. How did he try to do that? If he were truly able to walk on water and heal the sick and was the son of God performing miracles why couldn't he just live forever on earth with humans and save us all from suffering? The facts, we are told, that he came in the flesh and then he died and is no longer walking around in the flesh. Afterwards, billions and billions of people were born into suffering horrible fates, starvation, murder, torture, rape and nothing has changed. Therefore logic and reason tells us he was giving us instructions on how to save our own souls. We have to do the work. He obviously can not do that for us. If the goal is to be in heaven with Jesus why are we all here in the first place? Why would God create humans and place a tree of knowledge of good and evil then tell us not to eat from it or we shall surely die? Why would we die from learning about good and evil? Surely you must know that there is more to this than simply believing the context of one person eating an actual fruit that gave them knowledge of good and evil. There must be a different context that we are not seeing. Only when you study etymology of words, languages, can see with your intuition as well as logic and reason rather than simply spouting off passages and believing in God because your preacher told you to, are you actually doing what JESUS told you to do. He said "Seek and you shall find". When you make the eye single you are using your intuition and seeing beyond duality thinking which is "Good and evil". Then you "have eyes to see". When we see everything in terms of good and evil we automatically form biased opinions which can lead to false conclusions. Could it be that this is what is meant by "You shall surely die". That is on the mental level. And on the physical level, if we do not practice balanced living and understand our physiological ability to activate our heart energy and third eye (Single eye) our bodies do not resonate at a harmonic frequency and we become ill and age rapidly. In the world the same applies. If we are exposed to toxins and dissonant frequencies such as certain  music, EM fields, radiation, pollution, we cannot thrive as we were intended to at this level. When humans began micromanage the outer world rather than living as one with nature by her own terms we created imbalance and we became literally dead in Christ.

It is logical to me that the ultimate battle for a control freak is to control others even to the extent of controlling souls. Artificial Intelligence is the last great battle in this game as it is the only way controllers can control humans before they ascend consciously en masse. This event is synonymous with a Solar Plasma event that is equivalent to the inner Christ returning. The inner Christ and outer Christ are synchronistic. As above so below. As our consciousness rises we see it reflected in the world and as an event. This event was recorded in the past. It is not difficult to oberve how everything in nature is cyclical. Consciousness expands and contracts like ebb and flow of the tides. The controllers would want to be able to get as many people integrated with their artificial technologies before the natural ascension process occurs. This is exactly what I would do if I were a control freak and because everything that is now happening was prophesied by awakened beings from the past. We are told the Anti Christ is "coming" first, and only then they will be saved by Jesus in the clouds. This only makes sense in a specific context. First of all, the Anti Christ system has been in place for thousands of years. We have gone through mane resets because of it. We are trapped in a cycle of deception because people refuse to see the game. If I were a control freak I would mask the arrival of the third Anti Christ figure and keep the masses believing the Anti Christ system is still coming for as long as I could. In this way they postpone the return of Christ because it depends on mass consciousness waking up! We are "Sleeping Beauty" trapped in our own nightmare thinking we will be saved by a Prince Charming. People are using the technologies that a hand full of people create and hoard. We depend upon the food and resources they hoard. They occupy, enslave and even kill self sustained, indigenous peoples to serve their agenda.

Logos is logic. Use it. We are told Christ is the "son" and "light" of the world.  What is the light of the world, the morning star and evening star? The sun. God said let there be light. Therefore how can GOD be light? There is visible light and invisible light to our eyes. GOD is SOPHIA the unseen light, faceless and nameless moving over the face of the deep. Light is LUCIFER. LIGHT BEARER. Originally they called that LUCIFER, but the minute I say that people scream "That is satanic!" No Lucifer means light bearer. Satan means "Opposer".  Satan is the word to describe anyone that uses trickery to deceive from the archetypes of nature to people or spirits. LUCIFER is not a horned beast BUT the FALLEN ANGEL. This is consciousness which is a state of light/matter vibrating at a rate at which we cannot see (ethereal) to a rate in which we can see (visible light). Lucifer fell from SOPHIA , from heavenly unseen light to visible light. Sophia is the unseen light, the Black Madonna. None of this is evil. But humans use this information in various ways. Some use it to control others with secret symbols and some do not. Claiming to be Luciferian does not necessarily mean you are evil unless you do not really know the meaning of the word. Anyone can claim to be Christian but that does not mean they are "good" people that always do good things or know the true meaning of Christ.  Lucifer is the the light and masculine aspect of the SUN of the creator.  Without this cosmic construct we would not be experiencing this material reality. The inner sun is also the pineal and all seeing eye. I personally have activated by third eye vision and can see other places, people, past and present. That does not mean I think I am God or that I use it to deceive people.  We were given these abilities. They are organic human abilities that have been kept from us, hidden for centuries by the elite rulers and the Church. To use this as a way to deceive people is obviously not right. But to use your third eye for intuition and to be able to navigate your world without being enslaved to technologies cannot possibly be seen as bad. In fact we are told to be one with the Father (Higher Consciousness) and the Christ within is the Father. We are talking about our access to higher consciousness.

 "Christ" originates from the word "Cristos" which means one who is anointed with oil. Does that mean you can put holy oil on your head and eat blessed wafers and be one with Christ? No. This is referring to a physiological process inside the body. Everyone has two oils in their brains that descend down the spine every month. They are from the pineal and pituitary. These oils must vibrate at a specific harmonic resonance in order for the body to operate optimally as it was intended. So you can see how the story of Jesus being born of a virgin Mari (pure oil/feminine/pituitary) and Joseph ( savior/pineal) is synonymous with the bodily processes when uncontaminated with toxins and impure thoughts. You can see how the journey down down the spine is synonymous with the journey of Joseph and Mari into Jerusalem (meaning The Hearth of God) is the manger and the journey out of Sodom and Gemorrah (meaning the place of waste), is how you raise the seed with staining from sexual lust. The place of the skull is Galgotha. Do you see that they are talking about the brain and body here and not simply locations on earth? However these are also places on earth marking the temples of the body. Google Earth clearly shows us that this is true.These observable facts lead us to more truths about the true structure of the world and the giants that actually lived on this flat earth plane which is another topic. If we knew the truth about these things it would be more difficult to control the masses. Because the true world model demonstrates how all things are designed from the atom to the human spirit body. We are self sustained energy beings when operating optimally. We do not need the hoarded technologies to survive. And when the Christ returns we will all see this plasma light because it comes from the central vortex of a flat accretion disc of a toroid just as the Vedic accounts described thousands of years ago. This event will organically change all life forms "In a blink of an eye". It could be that the collective causes that event and that is why we are kept in a low vibratory state, sick and in fear. Or it could be that this event is cosmic first and programs all life on all planes of existence. Either way, it comes to this: We can release fear and practice raising our chrism to be one with the natural creator as we were instructed or integrate with artificial intelligence, the beast system which is ultimately controlled by "the gods". It is our choice. But in order to make that choice you have to wake up to the this truth.

It is a tangled web we weave. But one thing is for certain. You cannot climb out of this labyrinth and pretend to be saved when you refuse to use the tools of divine creation within you to wake up and have the eyes to see that you are trapped in a dream within a dream. We should not be afraid of the these things that were hidden and demonized by the church to enslave you. Compassionate teachings from Siddhartha the Buddha and Jesus the Christ are meant to wake us up. The least you can do is seek and find just as they recommended.


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