So the earth must be flat! (sarcastically) *head-----wall---ugh | Flat earth facts, Flat earth ...
The sun appears to grow smaller as it sets through the lens of the camera but it appears to grow larger to our naked eye. Why is that? The official explanation from scientists is it is because the naked eye is comparing the sun size to the horizon. The brain tells us the sun looks larger than it did when it was higher in the sky because there is no relative horizon to compare it to. So why would a stationary sun appear to grow smaller as it sets when we isolate the sun and compare it to a plant or tree in the lens? Because it is moving farther away from the observer. This is not possible if the sun is 93m miles away and stationary. The earth turning 45 degrees will not cause the sun to appear smaller if it is that far away. Only when the sun is much closer and much smaller will this happen and the sun is MOVING NOT THE EARTH.

The immediate response from the indoctrinated is "That's impossible". But no it is not. In fact I have explained over and over how the toroid model works> We are inside a Tesla coil/Toroidal vortex spinning field. Black holes produce suns. There is a core. The plasma dome spins. The earth is IN ERT/inertia/In EARTH. It is the still point accretion disc between the waters above and below just like a black hole galactic model from NASA. The only difference is that we are not walking on the surface of a ball covered in water. We are inside the toroid walking on the flat accretion disc. People actually ask why we don't fall off of a flat stable plane surrounded in water; AN ISLAND while believing we don't fall off of a ball spinning in vacuum. That is indoctrination. The waters are simply all states of matter finding equilibrium within their relative mediums and vibrations. The only other explanation is that we are in a simulation and we are lied to about both models while the natural model is the Toroidal model which comes first as the origin of all creation.

The inner and outer spiral of the sun causes the seasons not the tilt of the earth. If the earth moved to the other side of the sun and only rotated once every 24 hours as we are told it would be facing away from the sun in winter at midday. If earth were rolling on a track around the sun to face it every 24 hours it would take much longer than 365 days given the said size of the earth verses the orbital distance. SOMETHING IS WRONG!! We experience gradual darkness every 24 hours. That is because the sun is moving not earth. When the earth does move YOU FEEL IT. Am I right?

A plane travels 15 hours at constant distance from the surface of the earth (altitude) never descending or tilting but remaining flat and level. That means YOU ARE ON A FLAT PLANE. If you are traveling over a flat plane constant altitude for 15 hours at 30,000 feet, in 64 miles the sphere would rapidly drop away from you over 3000 more feet. If a gyroscope indicates you are flat and level as you are actually curving over a ball, how would you set the gyroscope to follow an actual flat and level trajectory off the planet? Why do rockets always arc up then back down again? Because they are landing in the ocean as we are clearly shown in NASA footage over and over again. They show us the truth but indoctrination keeps people from realizing it. If we wanted a rocket in orbit as quickly as possible and using as little fuel as possible we would send in a straight flat level trajectory at a 45 degree angle from the point of departure, not in a huge arc or even straight up. Where are all of the millions of satellites around earth? You would see them at night. You would see them in "photos" of earth. But all images are cgi. I could go on. But you get my point. It is possible to put crafts in the sky with solar power circling above us over the flat circular area we call earth. But it costs money and energy to do that. This is why NASA fakes everything. They take the money instead of using it to do useless things like put a craft in orbit or a camera. If you understood the math of getting Hubble into orbit you would see that it is impossible given the payload and fuel needed. Don Petit said " we had the technology to go to the moon but we lost it. It takes too much work to get it back". But "we are going to Mars when we figure out how to get past the impenetrable barrier" that we somehow miraculously crossed when we went to the moon?

So why am I not worried that I am wrong and could be ridiculed as an idiot? Because I am ridiculed no matter what anyway. But it is a fact that the Toroid model is flawless and the heliocentric model is flawed. I am not saying I know the absolute truth but that it is possible and even highly probable that we are lied to in order to keep us under control. Call me crazy but I think believing everything government and corporations tell you is crazy. Scientists are not all stupid. And poeple that investigate Flat Earth are not all religious nuts that do not use science. I am saying scientists assume the earth is ball without proof and that is not science. It is not their job to tell us what to believe or to believe anything themselves. Their job is to provide evidence and perform experiments, postulate and serve humanity. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Belief is holding on to something as truth which often prevents us from getting to the actual truth. Believe what you want but know that you could be wrong. Look for motive and the greatest motive for a control freak is to CONTROL EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. What happens when control freaks have all the money and power? Look around.Proof the Earth is Flat - Flat Earth Facts
 Atheist Engineer: Flat Earth Misconceptions


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