There are many suggestions, practices, ideologies about how to meditate. Personally, I was told to sit down and be quiet. Given my nature, I resented that immediately. But that was before I silenced my ego. You see it is a paradox. We have to be silent to see that there is a filter called the EGO or reptilian brain function that has its purpose but ultimately causes a lot of suffering. The lower animal brain function serves to protect us in the world. It is how we navigate the world and stay alive. But beyond that brain function is a higher mind. This place of observation allows us to see the lower brain functions for what they are. From this perspective we are able too be at peace regardless of the dangers we see coming, experience or have experienced in life. This crows nest is where a master sits or practices remaining in that place of observation. From this place we still feel emotions, we still think thoughts and act in the world. The difference is that we are not ruled by our thoughts and emotions. This is the goal of someone that seeks to be an optimal human being, a master.

Many misunderstand the teachings of the Buddha, especially in the western culture. A Buddha is not a god per se but anyone that is self actualized and had mastered BEING self actualized. Another paradox is the understanding of the self actualized that there is no real self. The self is a mental construct, a word that describes the individual, their personality, body, looks, but all of that is illusory. We are made up of energy vibrating at various frequencies. There is no actual part of you that defines "you". All is mind at the highest perspective, an observer called the Omni Presence. It is very difficult for the average human being to hold this truth in his present mind while walking through life day to day. This is why meditation is important. Meditation is the practice of  BEING the OBSERVER. There is a common misconception that a person can meditate while they are doing something else. It is possible to do something and remain peaceful but not meditate. Meditation means "between thoughts". It is the PRACTICE of non attachment to a thought or action while thinking and acting. To be acting in the world, doing something requires focus. Focus is not the same as meditation. Being able to focus and remain calm regardless of what is going on is the RESULT of the meditative practice. This is why we are warned  not to drive after a long period of meditation when we have been lingering in a state of awareness without focus. There is a "super conscious" state that is ideal because it is the expansion of one's awareness rather than focusing in on one thing. To become entirely focused on something is to be entranced. When we go into a trance we tend to shut out other things. This is potentially dangerous for example if you are watching your young child and too focused on something else or too focused on them and not the fact that the house is burning down. These differences between in psyche, concentration and meditation are important to understand because it is the difference between the practice and the actual implementation of that practice. Otherwise,concentration and meditation would not be listed as separate aspects in the Eight Fold Path.
The OM symbol represents the cosmic construct, the multidimensional energies that make up the TORUS field that stores information. It is a cross section of the APPLE, TORUS FIELD, aka electromagnetic field spinning around the central vortex of the EYE or I. The EYE is the central point of BEING. It is the still point of inertia. This is not only the model of the ATOM but also of our "whirld". We are not walking on a spinning solid ball that holds billions of tons of water to the surface but we are walking at the bottom of the CUP aka HOLY GRAIL aka Golden chalice. This cup of immortality is the cup from which Christ drinks because Christ is the person that is self actualized, the Buddha, that is operating optimally in this golden ratio TEMPLATE or TEMPLE of creation. As everything is made up of these vibrating energy fields, we must also vibrate at the appropriate rates to operate optimally. As anyone can see, there is a CONCERTED effort to keep us in a state of fear and craving for the things we believe we need to survive. This fear and craving is like INTERFEARance. This interference disrupts the flow of energy and keeps us teetering like a top that cannot quite reach the TOP speed required to keep it UP RIGHT. Our world is shaped by vibrations. Humans are just along for the ride. We are spirits in the material world now, but as the cycles change with the spin of this cosmic top, we change as well. Humans will become less dense again both physically and figuratively as a whole. But the individual always has the choice to do their work while they are here in this form to be the most optimal they can be. Though the world may turn and twist and be potentially problematic, we have the choice to be at peace through it all. It is not easy but a very simple choice to change our belief system from one of needing external things to make us happy or content, to simply being content because we choose to be.

 As I said it is not easy but that is why we PRACTICE. The practice begins with sitting still and being quiet.


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